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Saturday, April 28, 2007

True colors

Remember a couple weeks ago when liberal rag, Media Mutters for America (or something like that), brought to the world's attention long time radio bad-boy, Don Imus', few ill-chosen words in regard to a basketball team in an on-air interview with McGuirk? Remember the loud reaction from the left? Crucify him, crucify him! So they did.

Hillary Clinton and company, sensing a golden opportunity to pander to minorities dove in with ads and "press releases" like these:
[opinions espoused in the aforementioned links are presented for reference only; and may or may not represent the opinions of yours truly]

Now, let's see what happens when the shoe is on the other foot ...

When Hillary makes a disparaging remark about a minority:

we're supposed to be all warm and fuzzy and forgive her this little sin she's committed.

And when Hillary makes nearly a MILLION dollars from a famous rapper, spewing the same kind of filthy language on her behalf, that she crucified Don for:

I guess following the money is just good old-fashioned politics, eh?

P.S. In a rare moment of lucidity, the folks at MSNBC finally played back the exchange and realized that executive producer Bernard McGuirk actually started the ill-fated commentary that Imus was responding to and fired him too! Funny, they didn't think it was such a big deal when Bernie said Hillary "was 'trying to sound black in front of a black audience' when she gave a speech on March 4 [2006] in Selma." Though, I don't recall Hillary (or Al or Jesse) rising up in righteous wrath over that either. Maybe I just missed the news that day.

P.P.S. BTW, don't waste your breath whining about how these two were racists and should not have been on the air, much less given the chance to utter this kind of speech in public. I agree. BUT, if we fired every celebrity that ever breathed similar words, there would be very few people working in hollywood or Las Vegas or New York City, and there would certainly be no such thing as rap music ... hmmm ... maybe that isn't such a bad thing, yo!

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